Some people simply love crosses and the reasons for the passion vary as much as styles of crosses vary. The cross of Jesus Christ symbolizes the epitome of love and self sacrifice, because there is no greater love, than for a man to lay his life down for a friend (John 15:13). Jesus’ death on the cross is the ultimate sacrifice of love that reconciles us to God. Crosses are powerful visual reminders of His love. They speak different things to different people as they serve as a witness of hope. They can remind us to not only bear our own cross daily but help others bear theirs as well out of love for God. Oftentimes, they are worn as jewelry but can also be used in places of honor especially in our homes and personal spaces. They can be hung over a door frame, above a bedpost, or in another prominent places.
I have created a piece of jewelry using masonry nails of different sizes and I use three of them in a single cross to represent the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. I wrapped them with wire to give a splash of silver or copper color. My idea was to make them available for others to give as palanca and agape for a spiritual retreat. I found it was a little difficult to match a chain with the silver color wire. Gun metal would work for both the large and small copper crosses but its been difficult to find a decent silver chain to go with the large silver cross, so I came up with the idea of stringing beads as the way to wear it. From that idea, I have had so much fun!
No two beaded crosses are identical as I never use the same pattern twice, each one is unique in its color and design. The crosses can be a bit weighty but are not difficult to wear. Each one is literally prayed over as I make it asking God to bless the person who will be wearing it. I ask for His anointing to be on each cross to accomplish on what His grace can in the heart of the one who wears it.
Please take a look to see if there might be one that catches your eye over on my website. We also have some devotionals and meditations that you might enjoy as well. I look forward to your stopping by and letting me know what you think.