I LOVE palanca and agape. I want to tell you why I love it so much! Palanca and agape are tangible expressions of God’s Love. That, in and of itself is reason enough to have passion for it, but I also love it because it offers unlimited forms of creativity used to express His love that speak in ways only He can. Simply put palanca and agape are containers of God’s intended blessing. The gifts have meaning mostly because they carry the power of the Gospel to change hearts and lives but the creativity with which they are made makes them special as well. After all, God can use anything He chooses to speak to someone! Palanca and agape are ‘containers’ of His anointing that come in all shapes, sizes and forms of expression. Some of them are unique to the recipients, some are universal, some very simple and some of them are really just amazing! Blessings are not bought and sold the expressed form of creativity is sold.
The most valuable part of palanca and agape is that carries the blessings of God, but its also the expressed form of creativity that gives it value. Creativity has the power in itself to cause us to think, see and behave differently but far more amazing things happen when creativity is combined with the power of God. We’ve all been given the gift of creativity and express it in varying degrees depending on how much it is exercised in our lives. If its a large part of who we are, it is one of the ways we honor God. We use the gift He’s given us developing it into skill, expertise and knowledge that bring Him glory.
There is difference between what is created, the expressed form and what it carries or represents. The expressed form used to carry the message is of less value then the message itself. In other words, the power of the word is more important then the paper it is written on, but the message may not have been communicated without the paper. So it is the same with palanca and agape. It is not the blessing that is bought and sold but rather the expressed form of creativity or the ‘container’ of the blessing that carries the Word. If we use our gifts to honor God showing our love and appreciation for what He has given us, would it not make sense that He would honor us in return? If we have expertise in something wouldn’t that set us apart a little bit in the sense that we were capable of something that another was not? What is the error in thinking that the creativity and skill that sets one apart can’t bring compensation in the Kingdom of God?  Doesn’t He say He gives us the ability to create wealth?
What in the world does this thought have to do with palanca and agape you might ask? Well, its the idea that palanca and agape somehow loses its power and purpose if it is sold instead of given.  It is not sold to the candidates but its given to them by someone who bought it from another who made it!  There is a mindset that palanca and agape only has spiritual value if it is given otherwise it is not palanca or agape.  Let me say clearly, “The blessings and the power of God are NOT marketable” !!! They are NOT for sale in any shape, fashion or form! Blessings are not bought. However, if we are given the ability (by Him) to create wealth, then the investment of the time it takes to develop the skill, expertise and knowledge to make ‘containers’ that carry His anointing are not only ways of creating wealth but are also ways of honoring God.  I don’t believe creating income from selling palanca and agape is offensive to the Lord and neither do I believe that it reduces or nullifies the purpose and power of palanca and agape if it is sold to be given by another.  Neither do I think its commercializing a very special aspect of the life changing weekend.
What do you think?
If you are interested in making what you create available for sale here please contact me. I would love to speak with you!