There have been many changes in palanca and agape since it was first introduced as part of the renewal weekend experience. When the Cursillo Movement first began, palanca, as we know it was initially revealed to candidates in a letter. The letter was a way of encouraging participants by sharing with them all of the prayer and sacrifices that had gone on in preparation for what they were now experiencing. It also was the way that other communities told participants that they were people actually praying for them as the weekend was happening. These letters are read at various times during the weekend and are posted on the walls to be seen and enjoyed by the participants. The letters are moving and uplifting. In Spanish, the word palanca means lever. It came to describe the letters that so powerfully lifted the spirits of those who were being prayed for. The reason these letters are so special is because they represent a life changing spiritual force. The word palanca is used to designate the spiritual force represented by individual and community prayer with the aim of moving beyond the impossible and overcoming the resistance of Grace on the part of those who are lifted up. These letters or gifts of palanca become personally very meaningful to the participants because they are so empowering.
As time passed, other things in addition to the letters began to be introduced as palanca and agape. In Tres Dias and Walk to Emmaus, there is an abundance of both that is given during the weekend. These things consist not only of store bought items like book marks, coffee mugs and note cards with scripture, etc., but also small gifts and trinkets. These are usually cutesy, hand made things crafted out of inexpensive materials specifically for the weekend. These are often inspired by the Holy Spirit and include scripture to encourage and lift up participants. The giving of palanca and agape expanded from letters that represented prayer and sacrifice to an abundance of these hand made gifts and trinkets. Reunion groups often make these hand made gifts to bless participants.
Palanca is the prayer, sacrifice and service that enables the accomplishment of things that would otherwise be impossible without the Grace of God. As the gifts have become such an enjoyable part of the weekend, it is very important for the focus of palanca and agape to remain on what they represent and not on the gifts themselves. Palanca is petitioning God, interceding on behalf of all things that pertain to TD and Walk to Emmaus by providing the supernatural power to accomplish the supernatural acts of God.
Remembering the gifts are given with the aim of overcoming any resistance to Grace on the part of those for whom we pray. It is as important to remember that the gift represents the prayer and sacrifice of the giver, just as Jesus represents the ultimate palanca and agape He gave to us when He died on the cross.
Sending palanca letters is a custom highly practiced in the Tres Dias and other 4th day movements. Letters can be sent in the mail but of course get to their destinations much faster when they are emailed.  Since the advent of the Internet, sending palanca has taken different forms of expression. As the lever, immensely impacted our development by creating greater output with fewer resources, the Internet, enables us to quickly and easily share the spiritual force of palanca impacting communities around the world.  It enables us to give the hand made gifts representing the life changing spiritual force to any candidate around the world. Making these gifts or palanca/agape available via the Internet does not in any way detract from its spiritual value anymore then emailing a letter.
There is great potential for the 4th day movement as the expression of palanca and agape continues to change. Using the Internet to move handmade Palanca and Agape around the world as a spiritual force can have benefits reaching far beyond our own communities. It can be used to bless less wealthy communities and countries but the real blessing is not in the gift itself. The real value is in spreading the spiritual force it represents. This blessing can be practical and powerful in building relationship that strengthens and unites 4th day communities around the world.
Go visit our store if you are looking for palanca and agape for an upcoming weekend. You will find something that will be a powerful blessing.
See our store to purchase palanca
See our video if you have something you’d like to sell on Your Fourth Day Connection.