Do You Have Faith?

Dad, Treen, ShellJust because it hasn’t happened doesn’t mean it never will, even when you don’t see it doesn’t mean it won’t be!  Do you have faith?

It was a sweet moment when I realized we were all together.  The plan and the focus was to celebrate my niece’s high school graduation, so we all met at my sister’s in North Carolina coming from different places for the big day.  Dad came in from Chicago, my nephew flew in from LA and I drove in from Atlanta.  It was a great time and I loved getting pictures of moments that will last a life time. Other then a small crisis of a lost cap and gown which was averted without meltdown it was a typical graduation as Bailey walked the stage in borrowed garb to receive her diploma.

This was the reason our family got together to celebrate but it wasn’t until the next day I realized our gathering had an even sweeter moment, at least for me because I hadn’t given it any thought to it being Father’s Day.  Through the years I looked forward to making the phone call and sending a card but for me its mostly a day like any other.  I call and talk to Dad on the phone but as the calls from my brothers and sisters came in through the day I suddenly realized that not only was I with Dad on Father’s Day, but ALL of us were together.  My sister Shelly, me and the grandchildren were all together on Father’s Day !! Imagine that … it was amazing because my sister and I hadn’t celebrated that day with him in over 30 years and the children probably won’t ever experience that again.  It is was not something we would have ever planned nor would it have ever happened if we tried to plan it.

This, plus one more unexpected special moment that I’ll share in another post also happened during this visit, which once again made me appreciate the truth of never knowing what the next moment holds.  After 30 years who would have ever thought that something as simple as celebrating a holiday together would ever happen?  Though, I don’t remember having the thought maybe it was a heart’s desire realized unexpectedly.  My only wish is that he could have been more of a focus just for that day, but he was content in hearing from all of his children.  It was an amazing thing for us to actually be together that Father’s Day instead of on the phone after so many years.

Can you recall a moment that you never imagined would be?  Have you been discouraged by what has always been and do you think what you desire will never be?  Then, I would tell you to have faith and continue to believe because you never know what the next minute holds.  All the planning in the world won’t make it happen, it is in letting go and believing that ANYTHING is possible, because we really don’t know what the next moment holds?

Do you have faith?

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