Priceless Palanca and Agape

Extra! Extra! Miracles HappenYou know with all the talk on this site about palanca and agape, I’d have to say the very best palanca and agape that can ever be given is not made by anyone.  In fact, it cost nothing …. well, not in the dollar and cents kind of currency anyway.  It can and should be given by anyone and everyone.  It is needed by every 3 day weekend whether it be Tres Dias, Walk to Emmaus, Cursillo, The Great Banquet, Kairos Prison Ministry or Credo Recovery to be a success and produce the new life of Christ in every heart involved.  Its usually given but not always, by a single person anonymously and mostly unknown by the recipients, yet its the most powerful gift that can be offered.  It is the foundation and support of every single weekend, starting long before it begins and is powerfully concentrated throughout the entire three days.  It is the most valuable of palanca and agape that can ever be given!

Are you beginning to get some idea of what I’m talking about yet …. ?

I am referring of course, to prayer!  Specifically, I am referring to the prayer vigil that is passed around in and between communities requesting a commitment of time devoted to prayer for a weekend that will be or is in progress.  I am talking about intercession on behalf of everything that pertains to the 4th day movement for the purpose of providing the supernatural power it requires to accomplish the things that would otherwise be impossible without the grace of God.  It is the greatest palanca and agape you can give and it is appropriate for anyone, anytime!

Priceless Palanca and Agape is Prayer!

Follow the steps below if you’d like to post your prayer vigil on Your Fourth Day Connection for quick and convenient sign up and wider exposure to volunteers.

  1. Obtain your community prayer vigil link by clicking here  (if you don’t already have one for your weekend) or here to find your link if you do have one (look for your community name and date)
  2. Submit it to Your Fourth Day Connection by using this form.
  3. Give me time to post it and check back in a day or two and then
  4. Go to the Prayer Vigil tab to find the date on the calendar of your weekend and click there to go to the vigil for sign up.
  5. After signing up with a click of a button you can have a reminder of your time slot added to your personal calender or mobile phone.

Ever wonder how to fill an entire hour of prayer and feel a little overwhelmed with how to do it ?

Check out some suggestions and helpful tips found here to help guide you through your commitment of prayer palanca and agape.

1 thought on “Priceless Palanca and Agape”

  1. Pingback: Helpful Tips For Praying Thru Your Prayer Vigil Commitment - Your Fourth Day Connection

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