Selling Handmade Palanca and Agape

Coins with plants growing from the top of them.

Is it wrong to make money from selling handmade palanca and agape? It seems having an online resource for palanca and agape is a well-received idea, but there seems to be concern that making those powerful, handmade gifts available for sale could be considered commercializing part of the 4th day movement.  But, I don’t believe that for a second and here is why:

Money from the sale of palanca and agape can be used in the following way:

  • Individuals or reunion groups can re-invest in the 4th day community by using monies made to sponsor a candidate that could not otherwise afford to make a weekend
  • Money from the sale of palanca and agape can be used for travel expenses when serving in or starting new 4th day communities in other countries
  • 4th Day-ers devoting their time, talent and skill making palanca and agape that carry His anointing can supplement their own livelihood. A workman is worthy of their hire creating vessels that carry His anointing and bring Him honor.

Jesus represents the ultimate palanca and agape to US when He died on the cross!  Money can be made from the sale of palanca and agape is not the focus of our efforts because it is IMPERATIVE, that the focus be on what the gift represents not on the gift itself!  It is all about blessing the receiver with the anointing that comes from the prayer and sacrifice of the giver and the income being reinvested back into to the 4th day community.

Though store bought gifts can be a blessing, they don’t carry the power of the prayer and sacrifice of the givers! They don’tt carry the anointing only prayer can provide. This is the difference between the hand made gifts found on our website and store bought gifts found in traditional online stores.  The anointing is THE difference as our gifts are made by ladies who have themselves been touched and have a passion for blessing others in the same way.

Which do you prefer to give ….. the store bought or the handmade?  What if you don’t have the time to make the gifts yourself…would you consider gifts made by another to give??

See what is available in our store by clicking here!


3 thoughts on “Selling Handmade Palanca and Agape”

  1. Pingback: Do you call it palanca or agape

  2. Pingback: What is long distant anointed handmade gifts of palanca-agape?

  3. Pingback: Handmade Palanca and Agape are gifts of love | Your Fourth Day Conection

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