Spring Has Arrived So Where’s The Change?

Butterfly on small flower

Butterfly on small flowerI had a great prayer walk today! Not that I usually call them that, but they are two things that I like doing together.  The exercise feels good, being outside feels good and hearing the Lord feels good.  Spring has arrived with great excitement and anticipation of change.

Yesterday, as I was walking with Julia in the park she exclaimed, it was officially the first day of spring! I was so excited to hear that Spring had begun. I loved hearing it.  I loved saying it out loud in agreement with what was true, but also I loved reminding the Father, of a point of change.

I don’t know what change will look like, but I know it’s already begun. Spring has officially started! Change is coming! I see signs of color as evidence of its arrival.

So, I said to the Lord today, as I was in prayer walking, ‘Ok, Spring is here so why isn’t there change?’ He, said ‘Kitrina, be patient, Spring is here but it hasn’t sprung! Wait till it bursts forth and then, there will be change.  You will know what it looks like.’

In your life are you seeing signs of color and you know Spring has arrived but your still waiting? Are you waiting for newness and change but its taken so long you doubt it will ever come?  Remember Spring has come but it still needs time to burst forth new life.

Are you being patient, trusting in the Lord?  Do you know that Spring and all that it brings never fails to arrive? It may seem like the change you are longing for is lingering and seemingly never will happen but just as Spring never fails to come trust that in the same way God’s promises to you will not fail.  Spring has arrived and so will what God has promised to you.

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