What is Credo Recovery?

Credo Recovery is a dynamic community open to both men and women who are desiring recovery and freedom from addiction thorough the power of Jesus Christ.  Its highly structured community-building method, centers around a Weekend Retreat, that includes pre-weekend Team formation and post-weekend followup.  Follow up consists of weekly small groups referred to as Prayer and Share, as well as monthly reunions. It includes recent graduates, Team and members of the entire community.  The ministry is led by lay persons, with some assistance from clergy.

Credo Recovery (CR) is delivered in facilities labeled as camps, retreat centers, rescue missions, or Adult Rehabilitation Centers like those at the Salvation Army.  CR is a team effort that begins with approximately 30 hours of spiritual team formation before engaging the new participants in a 3½ -Day event, usually conducted on a weekend.  The 3 1/2 day Weekend is followed with a planned program of an instructional reunion, a monthly reunion and weekly prayer and share accountability groups. 

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