Let God Color Your World



Crayon Palanca/Agape


  1. Paper or Avery Business cards
  2. Box of Crayons
  3. Glue
  4. Optional: Mailing labels


  1. Cut out squares or rectangles from paper of your choice
  2. To use Avery Business Card follow these instructions

Set up a template using Avery:

  • Click on Avery link
  • Click Templates & Software tab on blue bar
  • Choose Avery Design & Print Online
  • Choose business cards from menu on the left (find a blank one or choose one and delete images)
  • Use the dashboard to choose your font and color, leaving space on the either side of the message to insert the candle.  You can also find a template to use for the font as seen in the picture.  I found that using avery and typed in the word’s ‘Let God Color Your World’

3.  After you’ve printed out the number of cards you need then print out the mailing labels with any notation about who the palanca-agape is from if desired on the back. Community name and weekend number, reunion group name can be handwritten or typed on mailing labels, which then be put on the back of the card.

4. Take the crayon and put a line of glue down the back then stick it on the card.  Your cards are ready in the time it takes for the glue to dry.


Please visit our store where you will find ready made palanca/agape or devotionals that make great gifts for 4th day reunion groups.

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