Rainbow Seeds Palanca/Agape Idea
- Sprinkles
- Avery CardsAvery Business cards of your choice (8371 or 8376)Link to Avery download http://www.avery.com/avery/en_us/Help-Center/Quick-Help/Avery-DesignPro-for-PC/How-to-Download-Avery-DesignPro-for-PC.htm
- Snack size sandwich bags, or better yet small plastic jewelry bags
- Optional: small magnets
- Create cards using the avery link above. Use the following verbiage or create your own:
Rainbow Seeds
Rainbows grow best after a storm
In full sonlight
worry if you have a green
thumb, rainbows can be grown
by anyone!
HOW TO PLANT: Kneel to dig a
hole big enough to hold the cause
of your dark clouds. Place the
cause and the seeds in the hole and
cover, stomp firmly with both feet.
Walk away in Faith
HARVEST: When you need
His promises the most!
2. Insert card into the snack size baggie and add a teaspoon of sprinkles
3. Optional: add a magnet to the back of the card
Please visit our store where you will find ready made palanca/agape or devotionals that make great gifts for 4th day reunion groups.
Hi! LOVE this idea!!! Just one thing. I think it should say , “WHO CAN PLANT: Don’t
worry if you DON’T have a green thumb, rainbows can be grown by anyone!”
I saved mine as a pdf file if you’d like I can email it to you to share with others. =)
Hi Laura! I am so glad you like the idea and I like your suggestion. Sure you can email your pdf and I will be happy to share it with others! I’d also be happy for any other ideas you might want to share as well. I am always looking to add new ideas to our resource! Thanks for your comment!!