Easy To Speak, Harder To Do

Easier Said then DoneEasy to speak, harder to do.  It is easier to talk about what I understand then it is to walk out what I know.

I get the whole ‘moving forward in Christ’ truth.  I understand it well enough to encourage and challenge those who are stuck to move forward.  I can do this because I know what it is like to be stuck myself and I know that the Lord will personally speak to me when I call on Him.  I can confidently speak what I know from my own experience. However, I find myself being challenged to do what I am telling others to so and find it much easier to speak about it, then to do it.

I believe that wisdom, understanding and instruction come from His mouth. (Prov 2:5-6).  I know His voice not just because He is my Father but He’s actually spoken those things to me when I needed them.  That’s how I can encourage others.

Weeks ago I heard these words from Him when seeking out of desperation to push forward when it was especially challenging.  “Trust Me to provide and I promise – from you I will not hide.  I will give you strategies, ideas, promptings and notions.  I will help you and not leave you stranded.  I will not be hidden but what’s ahead must be found.  My Word is a lamp, so meet Me there if you dare.  It will be hard because you will feel like your time should be spent going and doing but instead you are actually being lead.  Though you may not see it at the time, when you look back there will be significant reason and rhyme.”

If only I had remembered these words, rested in Him and trusted Him to do what He said.  I am struggling with getting help I can afford to increase my current skill set.  Lacking these skills are keeping me stuck and preventing me from moving forward like I need to in my finances.

My worry, fear and dread continually keep me distracted as I try all I can think of to do to move forward.  These very things not only get in my way of hearing Him but they cause me to lose my courage. I struggle with believing because I am distracted by reality as it becomes larger then the faith in my heart.  As any other double minded thinker I can’t be trusted so I don’t receive the strategies, notions, ideas and promptings that come as wisdom and instruction from Him for my life’s situation.  Neither do I move forward to the extraordinary that comes by faith but remain stuck in my ordinariness.  I continue to struggle wondering where my Help is?

He has not gone anywhere, nor is He hidden but my struggle takes my focus and my energy is spent in wasteful activity.  I find it hard to be still to listen and when I fail to hear I can’t do what He says to make change happen.  The cycle not only wears me out it separates me from intimacy with Him.  I remain stuck in ordinary.  It is easier to speak about something, then it is to do it.

Do you sometimes get distracted by the cares of life and miss His direction even when you are asking Him for it?

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